In National News Flash 14 of 2022 members were informed of the developments in the 2022 wage negotiations and the State as Employer’s final wage offer.
The offer entailed two options, both of which would see employees-
retain the current cash gratuity of R 1 000p.m. (allegedly translating to 4,5%of salary on average)
retain the 1,5% pay progression – those who qualify in terms of the QMS and PMDS
The difference in the options revolved around a 2% wage increases offer. Option 1 would see all employees receiving 2%, while Option 2 would see the introduction of a sliding scale with salary levels 1-4 receiving 3%, salary levels 5-8 receiving 2,10%, salary levels 9 and 12 receiving 1,5%.
A survey was conducted to allow members to express their views on the offer.
The results of the survey indicate that members are not satisfied with the employer’s offer but are not prepared to go on strike. NAPTOSA will carry this response into the FEDUSA caucus where other FEDUSA unions to the PSCBC will also give feedback on their positions. As a member of a democratic Federation, NAPTOSA will abide by the majority view.
The age profile of the members who participated in the survey are as follows:Of the participants who agreed to accepting the employer’s offer, 53.3% preferred the first option of 2% across the board.
Of the participants who agreed to accepting the employer’s offer, 53.3% preferred the first option of 2% across the board.
The way forward will depend on the responses of the other trade unions to the PSCBC. Should the majority accept the offer, an agreement will be concluded and NAPTOSA will be bound by such an agreement. If, however, the majority rejects the offer and the employer cannot be persuaded to improve its offer, the unions will have no option but to declare a dispute which will invoke the dispute resolution procedures of the Council. A process of conciliation will follow, failing which parties will be able to exercise their rights in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. For trade unions that means the right to embark on strike action.
NAPTOSA wishes to conclude these negotiations as soon as posible to allow us to impact the next budget. Negotiating after the budget has been determined simply does not make sense.
The leadership wishes to express their gratitude to all the members who took the time to participate in the survey. Members are encouraged not to let an opportunity pass to participate in surveys that will influence their conditions of service.
Negotiators will revert to the PSCBC on a date still to be confirmed. Members will be informed of the developments as they happen.
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